Saturday, July 26, 2008

Back in the USA- My Letter to Uganda

Dear Uganda,

I just wanted to let you know how you have changed my life in ways that you will never know. You have been my teacher, my friend, my sister, my brother, my father, my mother, YOU have captured my heart. YOU have taken my heart broke it to pieces and then you rebuild it again. Over and over you place this cycle in the days that I spent with you.

I fell in love with your children, I fell in love with your widows, and I fell in love with your beauty that is in you Uganda.

You have taught me a great lesson. I have no control and it is foolish to think that I have any say so in who you are Uganda. There are no words that can be places on this paper to explain to anyone the magnitude of pure love and faith that is in you.

I did not understand! How can you laugh? How can you smile? How can you have joy? WHY are you not in the pit of sorrow, in the pit of hopelessness?

But you looked at my eyes, in my soul and you said………..understand one thing……. GOD is in Control.

And you said to me……….

“So we laugh, we dance, we sing, whistle, we rejoice because you are here because God is in Control. HE has the power of today and tomorrow. HE is in control, we are nothing without Him. Live in the Moment right NOW… because that is what matters Now …… and God is in Control.”

To you Dear Uganda I thank you from my soul. Thank you for showing me that God is in Control.

Your Sister in Christ.


Thursday, July 3, 2008

Pictures take 2

JJ having a chat with the head pig...

Kaitlin having fun with the family.

Michelle found her cutie pie!

Namyoya Church looking good!!

Ah.......... TRAFFIC

Just the Pictures

Hi ALL, while waiting for Team 3 I thought it would be best to send over some of my fav pictures....... what to pick..... what to pick

Chris and Deb passing out gifts to widows in Busia

Gene and Luke meeting their family.

JJ just adding one more thing on her resume;
"weed puller"

Sing it JJ!

The reality of the poor. AIDS!!!